People's voices

Samples That Will Make It to Your Template

At Secret-Samples, you won't find yet another string library. We are tired of seeing so many plugin companies selling ordinary products to an already oversaturated market.
Crafting distinctive instruments and sounds that inspire you to dive into new soundscapes sets us apart from others.
Be invited to explore sounds you've probably never heard before.
Easy to Use and Workflow-Friendly
Access the features you need — without spending hours trying to figure out how everything works! We appreciate that just as much as you.
By recording samples as dry as possible, we adapt to your workflow and bussing.
To get you quick results, we use Kontakt's built-in FX library — with the option to turn off all processing.

Just Pay for What You Really Need

You shouldn’t spend much money on a big and complex library if you only need a few specific samples.
That’s why we can‘t offer you 13,500 samples in a 45GB library. We are more focused on offering our products as small and individual plugins. So you can purchase just what you really need!
Solo Use Allowed!

Some of our libraries grant you naked use, i.e., as bumpers or stingers. You don‘t have to worry about masking the samples with other instruments.
The symbol indicates, that you can use the plugin unmasked.

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Who is Secret-SamplesWe are a plugin developer collective with one big goal: crafting unique samples that guide you to new inspiration. Pretty simple, isn’t it?
How will Secret-Samples enrich my template?Helping you with the missing link to finalize your project. This means newly developed sounds that can satisfy you and your client’s needs without being CPU “hungry.”
What can I expect from your plugins?We develop and edit our plugins so that you have full control over all samples. We focus on small and concentrated libraries with fast loading times and less memory usage. You only pay for what you need.
Can I use the plugins on multiple devices?Yes! You can use our plugins on all your devices. No matter whether you have a workstation and a mobile rig or four workstations, feel free to use them within your environment.
What requirements should I met?All our libraries run in and require Kontakt, which was created by Native Instruments. Kontakt is an industry standard, tried and true, and must be purchased separately from Native Instruments.
What does "Solo-Use Allowed" mean?With "Solo-Use Allowed", you will no longer have to worry about masking the sample to use it commercially. Here's an example: You wrote the score for a game and want to use one of our samples as a pure transition without any music? Or do you want to use it as a Stinger in production music? Mainly, most libraries won't allow the use of pure samples without any context. We do! The only thing you need to keep in mind: A pure used sample cannot be registered with any PRO or ContentID. If you use a 3-second sample as a sole stinger in your production, you can't resgister this 3-second stinger with a PRO and claim your copyright.